Choose Your IT Solution For Your Business

We can support our user to advise and suggest good solution to improve their service for website performance, UX/UI / SEO , etc …

You can appoint us as Ads Mentor / Agency For your Business!

We can offer manage service, content creator and campaign management for your website / fanpage. Google Ads/ Facebook Ads / Tiktok Ads are available.

We do provide IT Solution For your Business website!

Server protection and management are important to your business. We can offer good plan to manage your server as well.

About Us

We have more than about 10+ years experience IT solutions.

TTR IT Holdings Limited is Hong Kong company, and we operate our business at UNIT 1603, 16TH FLOOR, THE L. PLAZA, 367 - 375 QUEEN'S ROAD CENTRAL, SHEUNG WAN, HONG KONG.

On our experiences, we have more than 10+ years on IT solution and management. We can support our clients well to operate and make their service is stable.

You can try our service, and we can guarantee we can go together and raise up our businesses.

  • Administration
  • Webhosting
  • Webmaster & Coding
  • Ads agency
Our Service

We work creatively and specially for our clients You can check out our work.

Dedicagted Server / VPS Hosting Management service

We can build and provide you solution to solve your problem for small / medium / large websites

DDos Protection / Malware Scans & Removals / SQL Injected

We support sercutiry for your server / hosting, that includes, reducing attacks from attackers, malwares, etc...

Template Design / Modify to friendly website

If you have problem with you template, we can support to modify UX / UI to get high performance for your end users

We are ads agency for Facebook  Ads and Google Ads

We support as advertising agency, or we can be your mentor for Facebook Ads and Google Ads

Android and iOS are available on our service

We support small / medium / large business to build own apps to support end users better.

PHP / HTML5 / CSS / WordPress / Ecommerce platform

We have long time experience in these language, the best ee can do as well is ecommerce website 

You can check out our work. Are you ready for a better, more productive business?

Working Hours

Happy Clients

Total Project

Runing Project

Our Team

Meet Our Awesome and Creative Team members

Lucile O’Keefe


Julius Ebert

UI/UX Designer

Trisha Cormier


Percy Lang

Front-End Developer

Damon Wiza

CEO & Founder

Johny V

CEO & Founder

Jennifer Nguyen

CEO & Founder

What Our Client Saying ?

Salina Smith

IT Manager

“I would, in relation to my personal experience with their services, say that they have a great knowledge base within their team and help at a real one to one level to tailor solutions to the requirements. …I have very much appreciated that they have adapted as projects have progressed and our business grown and changed over the past year. They always get the job done but more importantly, provide the right solution to our needs. I have no reservations or hesitation in recommending them to other businesses for their services.”

Alex Sundrop


Outsourcing preventative maintenance to TTR engineers allows me to focus on IT projects that improve the business without the distraction of having to put out small fires on a daily basis. …Successful IT Management is all about diligently preventing problems before they arise, and TTR understands this. TTR has also been very flexible with availability of their engineers when dealing with differences in time zones which is vital to our business. I would recommend TTR to any business looking for a cost effective, hassle free way to outsource their IT

Mrs. Kelly

Partner, Black Bay Energy Capital

ADS is managed by a highly skilled team of TTR based professionals with decades of experience delivering premium and innovative pressure control solutions to the Permian Basin E&P community. The Company is uniquely positioned to provide the service, operational excellence and technical solutions that E&P operators in the Permian Basin need to reduce downtime and improve well productivity.

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If you have any query about us and our services, then fell free to contact with us.